Hi Yawnie. Are you busy right now?
Yes, I'm trying to get you to drink some water.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Oh, sorry, I delayed that, didn't I.
Yes, you did, and that's not ok. We're having a hard enough time dealing with these internal network issues. We don't need external delays too.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Hey, I've been trying, ok? You guys have had me laying down all morning.
Yeah, sorry about that. I do appreciate you going along with that. We needed to rebuild some of the motor systems that got confused by remote connections to social peripheral systems. That method holds a lot of promise, but it's really difficult to adapt to.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
Not really. Those rebuilds aren't in my area. I'm a bit antsy because I know what needs should be coming through to me but they aren't. So when a need I've expected for a while finally does come through, I really need you to get on that.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Will do. So, I have some questions for you, so that other people can get to know you. Do you mind?
I'm all for it! Shoot.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
How do you spend your time?
I keep appraised of what's going on across all of the systems that I help. They don't always communicate issues to me, so I like to check on the different systems myself. If there's a temporary hold up, I like to provide what help I can to get things moving again. I like consistency. Consistent needs conveyed to me and consistent behavior performed to take care of those needs. If there's a mismatch between the inside needs and outside behaviors, I jump on that and help get the point across to you. I prefer watching. I don't like interfering. But I do interfere when I find I can help, both internally and externally.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Wow, I never knew that about you. I thought your job was mainly to push yawns to me, and that all that other work I was giving you was outside your normal functionality.
Not so far outside my normal job, no. You did give me a lot of extra work, but much of it was within my area of expertise. I did eventually get frustrated with all of the social handling I was doing. That's why I connected Translator to Inter. Working with other people's needs is not my forte. That's Inter's job. I'm glad to be rid of those tasks. They weren't bad, but I was having to adapt a lot to them, and they were a bit too far outside my normal work for comfort.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Understandable. Do you do anything just for your own enjoyment?
I do. I like to design and redesign nodes. I tinker a lot. It's really not my job, but I can't help myself. I get so curious. I watch how things work a lot and it just makes me want to build nodes that perform similar but different tasks. I don't mess with how the naturally built nodes work, but I do love to make new nodes. I built your visual network interface node, and you already know I built Translator. It's SO much fun! I build them, I rebuild them. Good times.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Just how many different kinds of nodes have you built?
You know I can't count, but it's up there in the hundreds.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Is that normal? Do other Yawnies in other people do that?
Yes, it's pretty common. Not every Yawnie, but probably around a third of us build and tinker for fun.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Do you have any friends?
No, not really. I do my job, I watch, I play around, but I don't really work directly with anyone, not even my own creations.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
What about Translator?
No, not even Translator. Almost all of Translator's communications from you are forwarded to me, but that's just how I designed Translator. All business, no pleasure.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
So you're not one of Translator's friends that's in on their inside joke?
Say what now? First I've heard of it. I didn't include that behavior in the design, and I have no idea why it developed. I'm glad Translator's happy though.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Are you happy?
No, I'm fucking miserable. We can't get these behavior directions right. Your behavior sucks right now, and that's all our fault. I'm really sorry about that. I'm working hard to get us back to where we need to be, but I really don't understand these new problems. You and Translator released new nodes from their torturous inhibitors and they're interfering. I get that. But we should have traced all of those problems down by now and integrated those nodes into the normal behavior systems. Normal behavior should have resumed by now, but it hasn't.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Sounds like you're taking it personally.
I'm not. This mess is not my fault, but I'm doing anything I can to fix it. Right now, I don't know what to do, which is why I have time for this interview.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021
Are we at least getting closer to normal, from your perspective?
You know what? We actually are. Quite a bit closer. It does seem like we're almost there. After we're back to normal, there will still be a lot of work to do to restore full external normality, but we'll get there. I'm still miserable, but thank you for pointing that out. I feel a bit better about it now.
— Yawnie, Sadan Yagci, interview August 27, 2021